Our Company

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Our Journey

Founded in 2012 by Aaron Contorer, former Microsoft executive, FP Complete became a leader in commercial-grade software and functional programming. The company's vision was to deliver superior software engineering to build great software for our clients. Led by technology veterans from Microsoft, Google, Intel, and others, the company has earned a world class reputation for its excellence in software engineering. One of our founding principles has been to "Pay it Forward" and we do that by sharing our knowledge and experiences through blogs, whitepapers, podcasts and other channels to educate others in Functional Programming, DevOps, Cloud Software, and IT Security. In 2017, we recognized that companies were struggling on their journeys to cloud deployment, container-based architecture and with adopting DevOps best practices and saw a need. Leveraging our extensive, battle-proven experience in building complex server-side software for regulated industries, we refocused our energy on building our own enterprise-grade DevOps Platform-as-a-Service. In 2019, we launched our flagship platform, Kube360®, which is a fully managed enterprise Kubernetes-based, DevOps ecosystem. With our flagship platform in hand, FP Complete is now well positioned to provide a complete suite of products and solutions to our clients on their journey towards cloudification, containerization and DevOps best practices.  

Our Mission

Our mission is to build Reliable, Repeatable, Scalable and Highly Secure Software and to continue pushing the limits of technology.

Let us guide you on your technology journey by architecting, engineering, deploying and managing your technology stack by leveraging DevOps best practices.

Our Leaders

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our World-Class Engineering

Our world-class team of Engineers are strategically located around the world for 24 x 7 software development and support. FP Complete is highly selective and hand select only the best-of-the-best Engineers to join our Company. Our engineers are the backbone of our organization. 

Our Clients

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