Years ago, Travis CI introduced a method for passing secret values from your repository into the Travis CI system. This method relies on encryption to ensure that anyone can provide a new secret, but only the CI system itself can read those secrets. I've always thought that the Travis approach to secrets was one of the best around, and was disappointed that other CI tools continued to use the more standard "set and update secrets in a web interface" approach. (We'll get into the advantages of the encrypted-secrets approach a bit later.)

Fast-forward to earlier this year, and for running Kube360 deployment jobs, we found that the secrets-in-CI-web-interface approach simply wasn't scaling. So I hacked together a quick script that used GPG and symmetric key encryption to encrypt a file containing the relevant secrets for CI (or, really, CD in this case). This worked, but had some downsides.

A few weeks ago, I finally bit the bullet and rewrote this ugly script. Instead of using GPG and symmetric key encryption, I used sodiumoxide and public key encryption. This addressed essentially all the pain points I had with our CD setup. However, this tool was very much custom-built for Kube360.

Over the weekend, I extracted the general-purpose components of this tool into a new open source repository. This blog post is announcing the first public release of Amber, a tool geared at CI/CD systems for better management of secret data over time. There's basic information in that repo to describe how to use the tool. This blog post is intended to go into more detail on why I believe encrypted-secrets is a better approach than web-interface-of-secrets.

The pain points

There are two primary issues with the standard CI secrets management approach:

  1. It can be tedious to manage a large number of values inside a web interface. I've personally made mistakes copy-pasting values. And if you ever need to run a script locally for testing purposes, copying all the values out each time is an even bigger pain. (More on that below.)
  2. It's completely reasonable for secret values to change over time. However, there's no evidence of this in the source repository feeding into the CI system. Instead, the changes happen opaquely, and can never be observed as having changed, nor an old build faithfully reproduced with the original values. (This is pretty similar to why we believe your CI build process should be in your code repository.)

With encrypted values within a repository, both of these things change. Adding new encrypted values is now a command line call, which for many of us is less tedious and more foolproof than web interfaces. The encrypted secrets are stored in the Git repository itself, so as values change over time, the files provide evidence of that fact. And checking out an old commit from the repository will allow you to rerun a build with exactly the same secrets as when the commit was made.

Why public key

One of the important changes I made from the GPG script mentioned above was public key, instead of symmetric key, encryption. With symmetric key encryption, you use the same key to encrypt and decrypt data. That means that all people who want to encrypt a value into the repository need access to a piece of secret data. While encrypting new secret values isn't that common an activity, requiring access to that secret data is best avoided.

Instead, with public key encryption, we generate a secret key and public key. The public key lives inside the repository, in the same file as the secrets themselves. With that in place, anyone with access to the repo can encrypt new values, without any ability to read existing values.

Further, since the public key is available in the repository, Amber is able to perform sanity checks to ensure that its secret key matches up with the public key in the repository. While the encryption algorithms we use provide the ability to ensure message integrity, this self-check provides for nicer diagnostics, clearly distinguishing "message corrupted" from "looks like you're using the wrong secret key for this repository."

Minimizing deltas

Amber is optimized for the Git repository case. This includes wanting to minimize the deltas when updating secrets. This resulted in three design decisions:

This all works together to achieve what for me is the goal of secrets in a repository: you can trivially see in a git diff which secrets values were added, removed, or updated.

Local running

Ideally production deployments are only ever run from the official CI/CD system designated for that. However:

  1. Sometimes during development it's much easier to iterate by doing non-production deployments from your local system.
  2. As a realist, I have to admit that even the best run DevOps teams may occasionally need to bend the rules for expediency or better debugging of a production issue.

For Kube360, it wasn't unreasonable to have about a dozen secret values for a standard deployment. Copy/pasting all of those to your local machine each time you want to debug an issue wasn't feasible. This encouraged some worst practices, such as keeping the secret values in a plain-text shell script file locally. For a development cluster, that's not the worst thing in the world. But lax security practices in dev tend to bleed into prod too easily.

Copying a single secret value from CI secrets or a team password manager is a completely different story. It takes 30 seconds at the beginning of a debug session. I feel no objections to doing so.

Even this may be something we can bypass with cloud secrets managers, which I'll mention below.

What's with the name?

As we all know, there are two hard problems in computer science:

  1. Cache invalidation
  2. Naming things
  3. Off-by-one errors

I named this tool Amber based on Jurassic Park, and the idea of some highly important data (dinosaur DNA) being trapped in amber under layers of sediment. This fit in nicely with my image of storing encrypted secrets inside the commits of a Git repository. But since I just finished playing "Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword," a more appropriate image seems to be:

Zelda trapped in amber


I wrote this tool in Rust. It's a pretty small codebase currently, clocking in at only 445 SLOC of Rust code. It's also a pretty simple overall implementation, if anyone is interested in a first project to contribute to.

Future enhancements

Future enhancements will be driven by internal and customer needs at FP Complete, as well as feedback we receive on the issue tracker and pull requests. I have a few ideas ranging from concrete to nebulous for enhancements:

Get started

There are instructions in the repo for getting started with Amber. The basic steps are:

More from FP Complete

FP Complete is an IT consulting firm specializing in server-side development, DevOps, Rust, and Haskell. A large part of our consulting involves improving and automating build and deployment pipelines. If you're interested in additional help from FP Complete in one of these domains, please contact us.

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